Parents who rely on their intuition alone – who don’t have parenting tools – must work harder at being parents. The same is true for caregivers.
Share life-changing principles with your friends, staff, students, or colleagues.
I understand how it feels to be doing your best to care for a child or group of children and to feel confused, frustrated, and exhausted by a lack of harmony and ease.
My workshops provide tools that help to make relationships with babies and young children easier and more enjoyable for all.
Inviting Deborah to share RIE® with the Early Head Start Home Visitors was the best decision to start off the program year. The Home Visitors walked away inspired with ideas for how to share what they learned with parents and more importantly, the confidence to implement strategies right away. Hearing the Home Visitors reflect on what they learned and how it would impact their work with parents and families was truly exciting. I know they are prepared and have gained essential skills and knowledge to improve their practice.
Leslie Capello, Deputy Director of Education, Children’s Aid Society, NYC
We truly appreciate how beautifully Deborah conveys the message of self-respect and establishing confidence in the RIE® tenets to the parents of our students.
Ani Shabazian, ED.M, Ph.D., Director of LMU Children’s Center and Associate Professor, LMU Department of Education
Click on the video below to hear feedback from one of the parents
who attended a custom, multi-week class taught by Deborah in a private residence: