12:16 pm12:16 pm
Love and attention and cell phones
I'll never forget sitting at Fairway Cafe in New York early one Saturday morning. As I waited for my breakfast to arrive, I watched a sad scene play out at a table nearby. A Dad [...]
12:07 pm12:07 pm
Teach Children How to Say, “No!” Before Puberty
It’s essential that children learn and trust they have absolute agency over their bodies – no matter who is seeking their affection. Adults sometimes see one toddler hugging another and think, “Oh, isn’t that sweet!” but not [...]
2:35 pm2:35 pm
Are you expecting too much of your toddler?
A parent recently asked me, ”How do I know if I’m expecting too much of my toddler?” My answer was, “If your toddler consistently fails to meet your expectations, she’s demonstrating that she’s not developmentally [...]
5:27 pm5:27 pm